What Is The Church Of Christ?

What Is The Church Of Christ?

Jesus said, "Upon this rock I will build My church" Matthew 16.18. This is the church of the New Testament. Scripture mentions no other. Following the baptism of the first converts to Christ, Luke records "the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved" Acts 2.41-47. All whom the Lord saves are added to His church. Thus, scripture refers to the church, the saved, as His body Colossians 1.18. In the New Testament, groups of believers who lived in the same area joined their efforts and resources to form local congregations, also called "churches" Galatians 1.2. The apostle Paul called these groups "churches of Christ" in Romans 16.16. Jesus established the church, not men. It is His. Thus, it wears His name. Since churches in the New Testament are called churches of Christ, and since we strive to be nothing more or less than a New Testament church, at Northside we call ourselves after the pattern of the scriptures, the church of Christ.

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